Aura Portraits are a real value-added bonus to a one hour consultation. These quality "head to toe" full colour pastel and ink portraits frame beautifully and clearly show the different layers and energy circulation in your aura and chakras. Your mental, physical, emotional and spiritual development is explained as reflected from your aura portrait along with your skills and talents. Questions you have are answered as interpreted from your aura drawing.
For corporate and party events where there is a time limitation due to a large number of clients, a 4 ½ x 6 inch, "head and shoulder" portrait is drawn in full colour. As many client questions and aura interpretations are managed, as time will allow. This is usually done in a 7 to 15 minute time frame depending on the direction of the event planner.
Classical portraits with the surrounding aura are painted in oil. Commissions are sized according to the client's needs. These are quality paintings worthy of a collector and give years of satisfaction. See Fine Arts page.